Compressors and related spare parts represent complex technical products subject to standards, certifications, issuance of Gosgortechnadzor permits, etc.
Application of previously used products or any products not manufactured by OJSC Penzkompressormash may result in accidents, including lethal accidents.
Do not neglect your rights! Request all relevant documents. Products of OJSC Penzkompressormash are sold solely by the company itself or its authorized dealers. All products are supplied complete with In the factory certificates and all necessary documents. Any products sold bypassing OJSC Penzkompressormash and its authorized representatives are clearly of dubious origin, in particular, have invalid certificates of origin and counterfeit certificates of quality. The prices for such compressors are usually significantly lower than those established by the factory.
Upon receiving an offer from a different company with regard to our products, be free to contact us (prommash @ or by fax: +7(8412) 90-98-75) and request confirmation of their purchase from OJSC Penzkompressormash, indicating the invoice number and the way-bill number.
Please note that OJSC Penzkompressormash provides no guarantees for any products purchased from unauthorized companies.
List of companies that
are not suppliers of products of OJSC Penzkompressormash:
LLC PO Kompressornye Mashiny, Penza